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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Beside: "I wish I never loved and not love"

esides conversation between Valerie and continues for minutes on end. While talking to friends, telling stories to each other lived, Valeri is curious to know if there beside love or love is ever hurt. Beside says no and that love never had no feelings for anyone. She even wishes to do with no man ever loved in life, and adds that there is to talk more about this topic, but will have to leave for another day to talk longer. "When we talk about love, we can never stable, but I have not ever love", goes on to say beside. "You do not love that will shape than most are so comfortable," says Valerie, smiling, while in her bed has gone ERALDIN, approaching closer and their conversation ends here. ERALDIN and stand beside the bed together, near each other for a few minutes on, as the caress each other for minutes on. After a while, ERALDIN come and go in his bed to sleep sleep.

Residents share tournaments; conversation and discussion between them

Afterwards Nevila urging residents to go through the bedrooms and sleeping after wake early in the morning and that this communication should take as order. But it seems that her request was not like some of the people who still want to stay awake. For this reason, they share shifts, given that a couple should definitely stand to save "Ghost." After discussions with each other, all residents will decide to stick to the evidence available the week are: Fatjoni , Rigels, Nevila and Juliana. Others lie dormant for sleep, although some of them continue to talk for a few minutes. beside and Adrijana are those who continue to talk, and whisper to each other making plans how between couples can enter to completely disrupted, thus fulfilling the task given by Big Brother during the first night of the show. Later the girls starts to talk Valeri, discussed by society and the importance of it in everyone's life, telling the stories of the different between each other to illustrate.

Brainstorm about closeness between Esides and Erald

Conversation between four residents continues on for a few minutes, where after they finished telling their personal stories, they want to know to which of the residents have managed to create more trust until they speak. Nevila Fatjoni asks what he knows to be so much has come to know. While Fatjoni shows little information that they know about. While Nevila makes clear that each of the residents in the beginning can be shown sincere, but over time will come in between the game and how to play to make it possible for a much longer stay in their home and can not have so much confidence in each other. then they start talking about the closeness and ERALDIN esides. Juliana asks residents say screwball have to and if there is something between them or not. "Among them are happening or will something happen," said Nevila as shows that he first threw each other wrapped in the quilt, showing moving onto affinity between them. It shows that it is removed from their rooms to leave me quiet, so as not to be affected by the presence of any other resident. Fatjoni thinks that there is nothing between them, while Rigels has strong doubts that among them are establish a connection. "ERALDIN started it all and see who it is easier to catch," said Rigels. Juliana express its opinion and thinks that ERALDIN entered the Big Brother considering previous editions and conviction that can to create a link to use to stay at home as long as possible.

Tease each other for partners in the game

Sound of music in the background accompanying the residents of our house all the time. majority of them have come to the garden to get Sunbeam and talk and have fun together . remainder is dealing with personal hygiene, while some are in the kitchen cooking or dealing with cleaning. Arditi and Violeta share a pleasant conversation between them, since they treat each other as husband woman all the time, in the framework of the partnership game set by Big Brother to. Arditi always shows signs of "jealousy" towards her, treating the same as a real wife. While Violeta does not complain if there was enough of his attention. Meanwhile, the rest of the population, are joking with each other and laughing together, enjoying the warm rays of the sun. Residents start making jokes and harass each other in terms of their partners in the game and asked how she spend with each other. they occasionally taken and jump fun with each other under the musical sounds.