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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Beside: "I wish I never loved and not fancy"

Conversation between Valerie and esides continues for minutes on end . While talking to friends, telling stories to each other lived , Valeri is curious to know if there beside love or love is ever hurt . Beside says no and that love never had no feelings for anyone . She even wishes to do with no man ever loved in life , and adds that there is to talk more about this topic , but will have to leave for another day to talk longer. " When we talk about love , we can never stable , but I have not ever love " , goes on to say beside . " You do not love that will shape than most are so comfortable ," says Valerie , smiling , while in her bed has gone ERALDIN , approaching closer and their conversation ends here . Eraldi and stand beside the bed together , near each other for a few minutes on, as the caress each other for minutes on. After a while , ERALDIN come and go in his bed to sleep sleep .